Extracting oxygen and metals from regolith by a single-step electrolysis of the minerals
The efficient production of in-situ oxygen and metals can be accomplish in a single step by Molten Regolith Electrolysis (MRE) in which metal oxides are directly reduced by electrolysis.
MOLTEN REGOLITH ELECTROLYSIS / MRE (using electricity to break down silicates into their base components in a single step) - building materials from martian soil. Metallic alloy that can be used for construction while simultaneously releasing oxygen that can be used for life support system (MRE is only one-step process to separate oxygen from metals). MRE is the only existing technology to deliver metals in their molten form, suited for easy retrieval and casting for future use.
vysledok - kyslik a kovy v roztavenej forme extrahovane z regolithu.
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