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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu máj, 2020


"Mars, the place where new branches of civilization can develop. T hat is the place where the science is, where the challenge is and where the future is." Dr. Robert Zubrin, american aerospace ingineer, founder and president of Mars Society and President of Pioneer Astronautics SCIENCE Mars was once warm and wet planet, it had liquid water on its surface for more than bilion years, which is about five times as long as it took life to appear on eart after there was liquid water here. So if the theory is correct that life is a natural development from chemistry, or if you have liquid water, various elements and sufficient time, life should have appeared on Mars even if subsequently went extinct and if we can go to Mars and find fossils of past life, we will have proven the development of life is a general phenomenon in the universe. Or, alternatively, if we go to Mars and find plenty of evidence of past bodies of water but noevidence of fossils or development of live,...


Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior .   Color influences human perception, preference, and psychology but also perceptions that are not obvious, such as the taste of food. Colors have qualities that can cause certain emotions in people. Although color associations can vary contextually between cultures, color preference is to be relatively uniform across gender and race. Despite the general lack of research in this area, researchers and experts have made a few important discoveries and observations about the psychology of color and the effect it has on moods, feelings, and behaviors. The way color affects our mental and emotional constitution dates to the ancient Egyptians who studied the effects of color on mood and used them to accomplish holistic benefits. For example, red was thought to increase circulation, orange to increase energy, and blue to soothe pain. The development of modern psychology also expanded the study of color,...


Water on Mars We now believe there to be an abundance of water in subsurface and exposed ice in the higher and lower latitudes. Site selection was determined by a multitude of parameters, including balancing access to a shallow ice table from the surface (within 20cm-1m), with temperatures that remain below freezing throughout the Martian year. MAP OF WATER CONCENTRATIO, data from the 2001 mars odyssey gamma ray spectrometer Why water? Water's unique absorption spectrum absorbs high energy short wavelength radiation making it an effective radiation shield. At the same time it allows light in the visible spectrum to pass through creating a unique daylit interior. Using the Physics of Phase Change The key to harvesting and using water on Mars is understanding its it's phase change in different pressures and temperatures.  Water ice is found beneath the subsurface of many of the northern latitudes of Mars. We're not sure how far down, but...